Widowed, Alone and Dealing With a Major Crisis

Oh, How I Miss My Husband’s Wisdom and Advice Right Now!

I haven’t been able to post much lately because I’ve been dealing with a crisis in my family. It’s a difficult situation and I wish my husband was still here. Especially now, I miss his wisdom, advice, fierceness and ability to deal with any kind of situation and take control of it. He always knew what to do.

About a month ago, life has suddenly been turned upside down. A close family member is going through a life-changing event, one that will also affect me and my life for a very long time. It is sad and heartbreaking. Not only that, there are many very important issues and decisions that have to be dealt with. And if not taken care of properly right away, they will have terrible long-term consequences. It’s all a huge mess. We’re handling things the best we can but it’s stressful and overwhelming.

This situation got me thinking about my husband a lot again lately. How would he handle it? What would he do? What would his next step be? I always admired the way he took charge and remained calm and did what had to be done. Assessing, managing, delegating, having a precise plan and strategy. He was so good at it. He could be fierce, tough and even intimidating when he needed to be. I, on the other hand, am the complete opposite.

I suppose I’ve gotten tougher over the years, more able to assert myself and speak my mind. No longer a pushover like I used to be. But this situation calls for a toughness and fierceness that this family member and I simply do not possess.

In some weird way, remembering and thinking about my husband’s strength and the way he handled whatever life threw at him gives me a bit more strength to deal with it all. And these days my motto is “What would Roger do?” Oh, how I wish you were still here…


  1. y name is Bob,

    And live in RUGBY Warwickshire, I own a nice bungalow i would like you to see, my wife passed away some years ago and i feel lonely.

    In earlier years being an Electrical engineer i was engaged by the Air Ministry to oversee the installation of the airfield in the Maldive island called Gan, it is 640 miles SW of Ceylon.
    After that job i joined the Nation Westminster Bank until i retired.

    I’m looking for a lady to end my loneliness and to make plans together maybe days out, holidays whatever will make us happy.

    My work in the Maldives would be nice place to visit for a holiday?
    If you would like to write to me, I will tell you all about RUGBY town its history and more about my own life.
    All the best for I hope our future.


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