Don’t Wait, Live Life & Seize the Day!

It seems that I’m always waiting for something in my life. Waiting for a situation to improve, waiting for better circumstances. Waiting for someone to do what I asked them to, or perhaps waiting for a specific event, or for the time to be just right for something. I have to stop doing that and start living in the moment more. Today is what counts. We are not promised tomorrow. Life is fragile. So don’t wait. Live life and seize the day!

Life Is So Fragile and Time Is Precious

A few weeks ago I got a text from my late husband’s best friend, asking how the kids and I were doing. I hadn’t seen him or heard from him in a while and we texted back and forth a bit. I found out that he had a heart attack earlier this year. He’s not doing that well. This news got me thinking about my husband a lot again, his rapid decline in health and his suffering and death. And about life and how fragile it is. You just never know…

It made me think about my own health, too. I’m very fortunate that I don’t have any major health issues (as far as I know). I don’t take any kind of medication and I try to have a healthy diet. I’ve been neglecting my yoga practice lately but I’ve been gardening a lot instead and getting exercise that way. I consider myself fairly healthy and fit for my age. But what if I were to get seriously ill? What if I were to die tomorrow? Did I use my time wisely? Did I do what I wanted to do? Or did I just wait around for something to happen?

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t plan your future carefully or that you shouldn’t be patient and wait when it’s wise to do so. You should, of course, be cautious and not make hasty decisions. I think that is especially important for us widows and widowers to remember. Especially in the first few years after loss, it’s often so difficult to think clearly, and you don’t want to do something you might regret down the road.

What I’m trying to say is that sometimes we get so hung up on an issue or circumstance that all we do is wait. Wait for it to improve or get resolved. Or we might wait for something or someone to make us happy. (But happiness can only come from within us.) Sometimes we’re so focused on some kind of issue—which may not even be that significant in the grand scheme of things—that we allow life to slip by.

I am going to make a conscious effort to stop waiting. I’m going to stop focusing on the issues that have been bugging me for the past year or so, because nothing is going to change anytime soon. I’m gonna let go of it because I have no control over it anyway. I am going to focus on me and the things I can control. I’m going to live my life. Life is precious. I’m done wasting time.

Live life!

Seize the day!

One Comment

  1. A powerful and insightful piece we all need to consider.

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