Christmas is always difficult for me. The entire holiday season seems to be filled with triggers that bring back grief and memories. It has never been the same since my husband passed away and never will be. Some of the joy is simply gone. Certain traditions and things we used to do for the holidays no longer appeal to me. I’d almost want to skip Christmas altogether. But life goes on and I still have my children and my grandson. So we gather for Christmas and enjoy the holiday the best we can.
One of the things I no longer do is sending out Christmas cards. My husband and I used to send them to family and friends. Mostly my husband’s family. I never liked writing them and after he passed away, I hated it even more. It stressed me out every year, and it triggered my grief full force. Over the years I sent less and less cards until I finally decided to stop completely. Yes, it may seem rude and uncaring to not send cards to people who sent you one. But you know what? It feels very liberating, as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Too many memories… Sometimes you just gotta do what’s right for you.