I haven’t felt like doing anything lately. We’ve been having some pretty cold weather, with another couple of extremely cold days on the way this coming week. Weather like that isn’t good for my mood. I get cranky and borderline depressed when I’m stuck in the house, trying to stay warm.
I shouldn’t complain, it’s not like I live up north where it gets seriously cold. No, I live in the South where the temperatures never really get that low. I’m just not a winter person, and I’ll be glad when spring comes around.
It’s not just the winter weather and darkness that’s getting me down right now. I’m also recovering from surgery, and I’m still tired a lot. It annoys me that I need help with certain things. Luckily my daughter lives nearby and is able to assist when needed. And hopefully I’ll be able to take care of everything myself again soon.
I guess that’s the part that irritates me the most: having to rely on others for help. I’m not used to that. I’ve been on my own for so long, taking care of everything myself, and I loathe asking for help. But this too shall pass. In a few months I should be completely healed and back to my old self. Just in time for warmer weather and gardening season!
But for now, I’ll just be lazy and lie around on my couch a lot, reading books, watching TV, drinking hot tea and taking lots of naps.
No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.
Hal Borland
Wishing you a speedy recovery and an early Spring!
Thank you so much!