Finding a New Purpose in Widowed Life

When my spouse died in 2011, life as I knew it came to a jarring standstill. Thinking back, it was like being completely immersed in reading a book, but then suddenly, midsentence, the rest of the story disappeared. Blank pages. Everything gone, vanished. Only the past was left, no more…

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Feeling Guilty About Being Happy

The following is a blog post I wrote on Widowed Village back in 2013. Their website has recently been redesigned and it’s no longer available there. I thought I’d share it here. This is an issue I think many of us are struggling with as we slowly heal from our…

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Another Year Gone By, Widowed for Nine Years Now

I haven’t written in a while. December is always a tough month for me. Between our wedding anniversary on the 2nd, the anniversary of his death on the 15th, and then the Christmas craziness, it’s really a month I would rather skip altogether. We would have been married for 31…

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Widowhood: New Perspectives and Priorities

Widowhood has changed me in many ways. Losing someone you love is so traumatic and life-altering, it’s impossible to stay the same person you were before. It’s a journey and a metamorphosis. A long, painful quest to find your post-loss identity and to be at peace with your loss, at…

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Tackling Home Repairs and Maintenance

Whenever something breaks around the house or some kind of maintenance is required, I feel completely lost and inadequate. My late husband was always the one taking care of these things. Having to tackle home repairs and maintenance may not seem that significant compared to other challenges the widowed face,…

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