Hi, I’m Daisy! Thank you for visiting and allowing me to share my journey through loss and grief. I hope this website and blog will provide a sliver of comfort to those experiencing loss as well. Sometimes just knowing that you are not alone on this challenging journey can bring a bit of relief.
Wishing you hope, light and healing,
Going Back to Work
Issues With Eating and Sense of Taste
Overwhelmed by Tasks Right After Loss
~~Reflecting on Year One~~ One of the cruelest things of widowhood is having to deal with the unavoidable tasks that follow the death of a loved one. I’m talking about everything from arranging the funeral, getting death certificates, contacting life insurance, social security, etc. to dealing with your loved one’s…
The Holidays Are Finally Over
Stages of Grief or Roller Coaster Ride?
Sometimes stages are mentioned in connection with grief, in particular the five stages of grief according to Dr. Kübler-Ross. The stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. However these stages were originally meant to describe the emotions terminally ill people might go through. Applying them to grief after the…