Going Back to Work

~~Reflecting on Year One~~ First there was numbness, then the deep, raw crippling pain of grief, sadness and despair. But life doesn’t stop for you as you grieve. Eventually I had to go to work again. It was dreadful yet good for me at the same time. First of all,…

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Issues With Eating and Sense of Taste

~~Reflecting on Year One~~ Grief does terrible things to you. The first year was hell. In addition to the emotional and mental aspects of grief, it also affected me a lot physically. One of the issues was eating. I hardly had an appetite. In fact, I could barely get anything…

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Overwhelmed by Tasks Right After Loss

~~Reflecting on Year One~~ One of the cruelest things of widowhood is having to deal with the unavoidable tasks that follow the death of a loved one. I’m talking about everything from arranging the funeral, getting death certificates, contacting life insurance, social security, etc. to dealing with your loved one’s…

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The Holidays Are Finally Over

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, the holiday season is a difficult time for me. And, to make matters worse, December is also the month in which my husband passed away. Now that I have another Thanksgiving, sadiversary, Christmas and New Year’s behind me, I feel relieved….

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Stages of Grief or Roller Coaster Ride?

Sometimes stages are mentioned in connection with grief, in particular the five stages of grief according to Dr. Kübler-Ross. The stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. However these stages were originally meant to describe the emotions terminally ill people might go through. Applying them to grief after the…

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The Dreadful “W” Word

~~Reflecting on Year One~~ A couple of months after my husband passed away, I was summoned to jury duty. During the jury selection process, we had to briefly introduce ourselves. Listening to the others stating their occupation, marital status etc., I realized that I would have to say the word…

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