Christmas Is Coming, Brace Yourself!

The Holidays and Grief

It’s that time of year again. Thanksgiving is behind us, and Christmas is only a few weeks away. Surprisingly, I’m almost done with my Christmas shopping, I just need to get one more present. I usually procrastinate and wait until the last minute, but miraculously I did much better this…

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How To Cope With the Holidays When Grieving

The holiday season is upon us again! Thanksgiving is just a few days away and Christmas is right around the corner too. I always dread it. It should be a joyful season, but to me it’s filled with stress, sadness and painful memories of what once was. My (adult) kids…

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Another Year Gone By, Widowed for Nine Years Now

I haven’t written in a while. December is always a tough month for me. Between our wedding anniversary on the 2nd, the anniversary of his death on the 15th, and then the Christmas craziness, it’s really a month I would rather skip altogether. We would have been married for 31…

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Christmas Is Here Again

Christmas is always difficult for me. The entire holiday season seems to be filled with triggers that bring back grief and memories. It has never been the same since my husband passed away and never will be. Some of the joy is simply gone. Certain traditions and things we used…

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