Forgetting You Is Impossible

Forgetting You Is Impossible

You’ve been gone for so long. The first few years without you were insanely difficult. There’s no way to adequately describe the pain, heartbreak, and despair. I thought about you all day, and I cried myself to sleep at night. The tears were always just one memory, one grief trigger…

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Would He Be Proud?

Would he be proud?

I’ve been widowed for eleven and a half years now. My life is so very different from what it used to be. When I lost him, everything changed, and I changed too. Sometimes I wonder what my late husband would think about all the choices and decisions I made since…

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My New 4-Legged Companion

Widowhood can get so lonely. I miss having someone around, someone to talk to. My attempts at dating have all failed and, at least for right now, I’m done with that. But I do have a new companion, a four-legged one! You may know from my post in January that…

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Beautiful, Bittersweet Memories

Beautiful, bittersweet memories

Flowers are blooming everywhere. I love flowers and gardening. The other day, while I was driving around running errands, I saw a cluster of roadside daylilies. Seeing them brought back beautiful, yet bittersweet memories. It brought me back to a time when my late husband and I were young, just…

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I’ve Let Myself Go

I've let myself go...

I’ve really let myself go in the past six months or so. I’ve quit exercising, can’t get myself to do yoga or go for a walk. Yoga used to be my go-to for staying in shape and stress relief, especially in the wintertime. These days, the yoga mat collects dust…

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The Widowed Need Compassion, Not Lectures

Compassion, not lectures

“It’s been x number of years. You should be over it!” People who have never experienced intense, life-altering grief, such as the loss of a spouse or partner, just don’t get it. I admit, I really didn’t grasp the magnitude and force of grief either until I lost my husband….

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