Hi, I’m Daisy! Thank you for visiting and allowing me to share my journey through loss and grief. I hope this website and blog will provide a sliver of comfort to those experiencing loss as well. Sometimes just knowing that you are not alone on this challenging journey can bring a bit of relief.
Wishing you hope, light and healing,
My New 4-Legged Companion
Beautiful, Bittersweet Memories
I’ve Let Myself Go
The Widowed Need Compassion, Not Lectures
People Tend to Avoid Grievers
My Age Is Starting To Be a Factor
Loneliness, Aging and Medical Scares I don’t like the darkness of winter. It exacerbates the feelings of loneliness. I’m usually fine during the day but the long dark evenings are starting to get to me again. I miss companionship. Lately I’ve been feeling lonely again. The breakup with my boyfriend…