Another Valentine’s Day

Love After Loss

With another Valentine’s Day coming up, my thoughts wander to the topic of dating as a widowed person. Dating in itself is difficult, but being widowed adds another layer of complexity and issues. As I contemplate the topic, I feel for everyone who has come to dread the annual holiday…

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Another Breakup

Why is dating and finding “the one” so hard? We had been together for about one and a half years. And then I broke up with him. I feel so bad about the breakup. He was a really good guy and I truly liked him. He had many great qualities…

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Widowed and Dating: Am I Damaged Goods?

Will the past always haunt me in some way? Will bad memories continue to pop up unexpectedly, ruining my happy moments? Can I ever “fully recover” from those painful events in the past? The memories of his illness, suffering, death, and then the subsequent grief, despair, loneliness… It always seems…

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