Another Valentine’s Day

Love After Loss

With another Valentine’s Day coming up, my thoughts wander to the topic of dating as a widowed person. Dating in itself is difficult, but being widowed adds another layer of complexity and issues. As I contemplate the topic, I feel for everyone who has come to dread the annual holiday…

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A Cold, Dreary, Lazy January

A Cold, Dreary, Lazy January

I haven’t felt like doing anything lately. We’ve been having some pretty cold weather, with another couple of extremely cold days on the way this coming week. Weather like that isn’t good for my mood. I get cranky and borderline depressed when I’m stuck in the house, trying to stay…

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Conflicting Thoughts and Feelings

Nothing in Grief Is Black and White

As always around the holidays, I’ve been thinking more about my late husband again. And all that reminiscing, wondering, and imagining brings conflicting thoughts and feelings. My husband has been gone for 13 years now. And I’ve had my share of failed attempts at new relationships over the years since…

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It’s Almost Thanksgiving!

The Holidays Are Coming

Time has once again snuck up on me and Thanksgiving is almost here. We haven’t finalized the menu yet, and we need to hurry and figure everything out. As usual, I’ve been procrastinating again. I need to look through recipes, make that shopping list and start getting things ready! Yup,…

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Redefining Success in Grief

Success is baby steps forward.

Grief is a long journey. How do you know when you’ve “conquered” your grief? What do you consider success when it comes to grieving? What Is Success? Success can be defined as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. And usually, it’s fairly clear-cut and obvious whether or not success…

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It’s Not Over

Grief and joy can coexist.

When you lose someone you love, it can be absolutely devastating. You might feel like it’s the end of everything: broken heart, broken dreams, future plans that will never come true… Your world is crumbling, and it all seems hopeless and bleak. But it’s not over. Your life is still…

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